GCSE & Level 2 Results 2024 - Success for Ousedale Pupils!

Overall headline figures include:
- Overall attainment figures remain similar to 2022 and previous cohorts
- Early indications show that pupils at Ousedale progress at least as well as similar pupils nationally
- Approximately 50% of pupils achieved a strong pass (level 5 or better) in both English and Maths
- Over 70% of the cohort achieved a standard pass (level 4 or better) in both English and Maths
- Large numbers of pupils have achieved the grades necessary to join our 6th Form meaning September’s Year 12 is again likely to be over 200 pupils
Headteacher Andy Burton said “As always it is an anxious wait to see how the GCSE and Vocational results turn out, but overall we are very pleased to see the hard work of pupils and staff rewarded in today’s results. The resilience of the cohort, whose educational experience was so disrupted by the pandemic and subsequent ‘recovery’, never fails to impress all of us.
Overall, it is too early to make judgements and comparisons about the significance of the results. We still have some missing marks to chase-down, remarks to submit and national data to be released in detail, but we are expecting our results to be broadly in line with expectations and compare favourably against the national cohort. However, as always, it is more important that pupils have gained the grades necessary to progress onto their first-choice pathway, be that Ousedale’s 6th Form, college or indeed another local 6th Form. Early indications show that a similar number of pupils have achieved the necessary grades to join our 6th Form in comparison to last year which was a record year for enrolments. For those that have not achieved what they hoped and worked for then our team of staff will be on hand today and tomorrow to provide advice, guidance and assistance.
Congratulations to all our Year 11 pupils. I hope to see many of them in our 6th Form in September, and to those travelling further afield I wish them well and look forward to hearing of their achievements in the years to come as ‘Old Ousedalians’. We are proud of the education Ousedale continues to offer its pupils and community and the successes achieved.”